Friday, February 20, 2009

Rocks, Puddles.... Gratitude

I left work early yesterday so that I could have some of the first rain-free day in what feels like weeks with Xander. He wanted to go to the park. I just let him take us there... and be. I wanted to practice the New Being Prime Directives with him too, after a couple of days of a lot of movement in our home and family (my teaching late on Wednesday, a lovely visit from Jack and Jenn, Dad being out of town for a few nights, etc.).

We went to a lovely park nestled in a redwood grove on a creek just a block or so away from our home. Xander wanted to play with two dogs there - and was great about approaching them with his hand out turned down as a gentle greeting. He wanted me to throw the ball for the more hyper one. I did. He was knocked down at one point, but understood that it was an accident as I explained it and was soon back up on his feet and running again.

Then he wanted to play in the wet sand. We did. He wanted to climb the rocks. We did. Then he wanted to be on the play structure; we climbed and slid down the slide several times.

Eventually we ended up at the water fountain where Xander picked up a rock and ran it over to the HUGE puddle in the middle of the park. He threw it in and screamed with glee... "splash." He went back to get another... ran back to the puddle... splash! Squeal!! This went on and on... at least a dozen running trips back and forth... up and down three steps (no hands!) each time.

At one point I showed Xander that he has pockets. He could fill his pockets with rocks and take a few handfuls to the puddle and throw rocks and splash for several minutes without having to make another trip for more. Seeing a new being discover pockets is a gift...

Eventually, Xander realized that this body of water that had supplied us with so many spectacular splashes was the same kind of body of water that collects in our driveway on occasion... a puddle! ...and the kind of puddle that is SO FUN to run through! So... he looked at me, then the puddle, and then at me... and then the puddle... and then geared up and ran through it - drenching himself and his clothes with muddy water in pure New Being Bliss!

I did not impose my will on him. As much as I was inclined to keep him and his shoes and clothes clean and dry, I did not interrupt his creative flow. Several people - hikers, parents, grandparents, teachers and other neighbors walked through the park as it started to get dark and Xander continued to trample from one end of the puddle to the other, with more and more glee each time. Some looked on with a smile, appreciating the immaculate beauty of a toddler enjoying running through a muddy rain puddle. Some looked on with slight scorn... how could a mother let her son get so wet and dirty? Why isn't she controlling her child? I let it all wash over me, and continued to share in the joy with Xander.

At one point Xander came to me, watching happily on the sideline... tugged at my pants. "Mommy... mommy" pulling me towards the puddle. "Oh, you want me to go through the puddle too?" (Head nodding...) "Yes!" I looked down. Everything, including my shoes were washable. Why not? My amazing son is encouraging his mother... still in some ways wrapped up in the stresses of the day... to run through a muddy puddle. Thank you, Xander! Yes! So, we ran through the puddle together... a few times...

When we finally started to make our way home, there was some resistance from him along the way. He wanted to go into other peoples driveways... go into the street... For his safety, and in an effort to get us both home before we were too hungry, thirsty and cold... I had to impose my will, though in the most gentle way possible. I explained my/our reasoning and did so with An Open Heart. When we arrived I kept my Word... we had a snack, and got snuggled up in warm clothes and eased into a transition for the next part of the evening...

So, some Gratitude. Thank you, New Beings. Thank you, Puddles. Thank you, Rocks. Thank YOU for the awareness that allowed us to share this experience. And most of all, Thank you, Xander, for being a New Being and bringing out the New Being, in me!

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